Tag Archives: carrie bradshaw

Sex and The City Ultimate Girls Night Out!

Are You Ready for the Sex and the City “Private  Party” – Miami Style?

Girlfriends, get it together, dig into your closets, break out your most fabulous designer dresses, and be a part of the chicest event to hit to South Beach since…well EVER!

Now, not only can you have the chance to attend the sexiest soiree in town, but thanks to the VIBE /Pink Carpet Parties, four girl friends will have the opportunity to get “Carried Away” and be treated like celebrities. Start with a limo that will bring you to a mansion off of the Venetian causeway, where you’ll be styled and fussed over by your own hair and make-up artist! Just chill-lax and get set to walk the “pink carpet” looking fine.

How can you enter to win? Visit our blog tomorrow and check out the SATC Quiz. If you think you are a fan, answer the questions and send your answers to valerie@thevibeagency.com. The winner will take three friends with her to get pampered, primped, and fussed over by hair and make-up artists, before being whisked to the event via limo from a private mansion. After all, it’s the only way to arrive!

Remember, strap on your Louboutins, dress up in the ultimate diva-wear and get ready to be a star. So, here are the details:

WHAT: Sex and the City 2 Exclusive Pre and After-Party.

WHERE: 1111 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, FL

WHO: The sassiest, savviest ladies in South Florida.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 – Screening begins at 8:30 p.m. (be there at 8:15)

WHY: Because amazing women should be celebrated – by themselves, for
themselves, and with themselves – with no excuses. It’s all about letting
your inner diva out – and this is the place to do it!

How do I get Tickets? This is a LIMITED-SPACE, PRIVATE event, send Valerie an email today !

Don’t forget the fab SWAG bags filled with the ultimate girly goodies!
Raffles will include exotic vacations, glamor goods and more!

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